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Villa Rental

A fully managed Online Booking System Did you know? It only takes a few minutes to create an online booking engine. You can start accepting reservations for your rental properties online instantly. So without waiting anymore, create a website with this Villa rental WordPress theme and get started now. The theme comes with the easy […]

Creating The Best Directory Theme for WordPress

Searching for and finding the best directory theme for WordPress can seem like a daunting task. There are quite a few options to pick from, truth be told, and those options are bound to leave you scratching your head as you try to figure out which theme presents the best solution.

Our Directory theme is by far the most comprehensive product wherein we took a very systematic approach to develop it. A lot of research and hard work was put in to develop a complete theme

A Translated WordPress Directory For The Chinese In Edmonton

Chinese in Edmonton is a useful, beautiful and resourceful website build with our popular Directory WordPress theme as an online portal for all the Chinese immigrants and students.

It helps people socialize and find events in Edmonton. We asked the owner of Chinese in Edmonton, Mr. William – a few questions about how he created, the process to build and maintain the site, the tools he used & the overall experience.

Inspiring Journey of the Upgraded Marlou Property website

Businesses are moving towards the internet to stay in touch with their clients. They use the business Property website as a way to attract the prospect customers and maintain touch with the existing ones.

This is the inspiring story of Mr Simon, who designed a property portal site with the help of Templatic theme. We asked him some questions about his overall experience of website building with Templatic themes.

How A Young Product Manager Turned his Idea Into A Business Using Templatic Classifieds Directory Template

We loved interviewing Mr. Lucas Lee, the owner of mybudak, a niche classified ad posting website for all things related to kids. This is a kids marketplace with super-easy search options and thousands of free advertisements make it clear that the Classifieds can be used to set up an online marketplace targeting various sectors of the market.

We asked him several questions about website building with WordPress and setting up a classified directory as an online business.

Success Story- MiPuntoMap- A Feature and Information Rich Directory

Juan Fernandez – a broker in the city of Guadalajara, near the Spanish capital, Madrid and he owns the real estate portal called

We have asked Juan a few questions about his project of building this comprehensive and successful website. Juan was kind enough to spare some of his valuable time to share with us some of the aspects of his success story with his Guadalajara portal.

Customer Story – CNR Group Insat – Apex WordPress Theme

Nicea Consulting is based in Istanbul and develops web and e-commerce projects for their clients. They have used our Apex as a contracting company theme to develop the website CNR Grup Instant for a contracting company in Istanbul. We asked them about their experiences while developing the theme and here is what they have to say about it.

WordPress Themes for Digital Marketing

Know About Digital Marketing WordPress Theme Digital marketing Media is extremely powerful and very easy to Use as well as it is highly customizable. / SEO/ Multi-Purpose/ Digital marketing WordPress Theme is built with innovative Boot strap. The themes are come up with various layouts for landing pages, services, blog pages and others. These themes are highly […]

Who is your Customer? How do you Recognize It?

This is hard to write about, and hard for business owners to accept. It seems so negative. Still, it seems like we all need a fresh reminder. Famous American stand-up comedian, actor, and author Bill Cosby said it well: “I don’t know the secret to success, but I do know that the secret to failure […]